Create or Upload your own Audiobook. We welcome AI Voice Generated Audiobooks.
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We lead the industry in Author Book pages that not only bring your book to life, but engage readers, leaving them hungry for more...
Our Audiobook store is exclusively for authors, both new and seasoned alike. For every sale your audiobook makes in our Author Online Audiobook store, If you already have an Audiobook, add it for free. Want to turn your book into an Audiobook? We have our own in-house production facility, allowing us to create the highest quality Audiobooks on the market.
Membership is free. Authors enjoy access to a full suite of author tools that help them showcase their book in the best light possible.
All our services come with an unconditional 100% money back guarantee.
Once you register and you have uploaded your Book Trailer or Audiobook, we will review the content. After it passes the reviewing process it will be added to our Virtual Author Pages Network Youtube Channel or our Author Audiobook Store . This service is free. There is however a charge to create your Audiobook or Book Trailer. Virtual Author pages are added as a link from the Virtual Author Pages website homepage.